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  • How does hypnosis work?  
    If you have watched a movie before, you have been hypnotized. Hypnosis is a changed state of awareness and increased relaxation that allows for improved focus and concentration. Your trained and certified hypnotherapist will be your guide through this experience. Through the use of verbal cues, repetition, and imagery, you will achieve a deep state of concentration and relaxation.
  • How many sessions will I need? 
    While every case is unique, it is likely that just participating in a few sessions of hypnotherapy may be all a person needs to break their bad habit. Typically, four sessions is the appropriate amount of time needed to conquer an issue.
  • How long do sessions take? 
    A typical hypnotherapy session lasts between one and a half to two hours. ​ Researchers have found that hypnotherapy can be far more effective and require far less time and sessions than other therapies. See the infographic for details.

Some ways hypnosis can benefit you...

Less anxiety 
Trauma resolution 
Improved self-confidence
Increased assertiveness
Better relationships
Ability to set boundaries
Achieving emotional balance
Stress relief
Change negative thought patterns
Replace damaging patterns in behavior 
Accept yourself
Restore your inner child 
Manifest the life you always wanted
Laptop On Tray

Book your FREE consultation now!

Explore my full list of services and consider some of these positive changes:

Academic Performance*

Anger Management*
Anxiety or Anxious Feelings*
Attitude Adjustments*
Career Success*
Childhood Trauma*
Chronic Pain*
Communication Enhancement*
Coping with Death or Loss (Grief)*
Depressive Feelings*
Exam Preparation*
Exercise, Working Out*
Fears and Phobias*
Food Allergies*
Interview Nerves (Confidence)*
Goal Achievement*
Habit Control*
Improve Sales*
Lack of Focus*
Limiting Beliefs*
Memory Enhancement*
Nail Biting*
Negative Feelings*
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)*
Pain Management*
Past Life Regression*
Performance Anxiety*
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)*
Public Speaking*
Relationship Strategies*
Self-Defeating Behaviors*
Sleep Disorders/Problems*
Smoking Cessation*
Sports Performance*
Stage Fright*
Stress Relief*
Study Habits*
Therapeutic Imagery*
Weight Loss*

Disclaimer: Results may vary from case to case. Hypnotherapy is not meant to replace medical or psychological treatment. If you have a serious medical condition or concern, please consult with your physician. Discuss hypnotherapy with your physician to choose the right path of treatment for you. Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Guided Imagery and Self-Hypnotic Techniques are not in any way meant as a substitute for standard medical, psychological, or psychiatric treatment for serious or life-threatening conditions, such as medical trauma, surgical emergencies, bacterial infections, certain bodily “mechanical” difficulties, and thought disorders such as psychosis or schizophrenia. These techniques are an adjunctive/complementary alternative for self-healing, self-help, and behavioral modification.

Hypnosis by Carmen makes no expressed or implied guarantees of results, in so far as human behavior cannot be predicted. The public is duly informed that as individuals vary, so do results and that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Results are ultimately achieved through the client’s own personal efforts at applying these techniques over time for which each client must accept full responsibility. Any information provided by clients is kept strictly confidential.

Are you wondering if you could benefit from hypnotherapy? 

Ask yourself these questions: 


Do you find yourself self-sabotaging?

Do you feel like you're in a toxic relationship?

Do you partake in negative self-talk?

Do you have unresolved trauma?

Do you have trouble executing long-lasting results? 

Do you unintentionally attract the same situations? 

Treated Silk


"The burden of my cigarette addiction no longer weighs me down, and I now live each day with newfound freedom and significantly reduced stress. Under the expert guidance of my hypnotherapist Carmen, I embarked on a transformative journey to overcome my smoking habit. The sessions were tailored to address the root causes of my addiction, delving deep into my subconscious mind to rewire the patterns and associations that kept me chained to cigarettes. I wholeheartedly recommend hypnotherapy to anyone seeking to break free from the shackles of smoking."

Kaitlyn M.

"As a skeptic of hypnosis, I was unsure what I would get out of my sessions with Carmen.  But I was pleasantly surprised at how relaxed and centered I felt (during and post-sessions). By the end of it, my goal and focus became so much more apparent, allowing me to take the next steps in achieving said goals. "

Andrea W. 

When I first sought out hypnotherapy to address my fear of flying, I had no idea how profoundly it would impact my life. Carmen skillfully guided me into a relaxed state, allowing me to explore the root causes of my fear and anxieties surrounding air travel. The impact of hypnotherapy on my flying experience extends far beyond the flight itself. It has bestowed upon me a newfound sense of freedom and possibility in life. By conquering my fear of flying, I have embraced a mindset of courage and resilience that permeates all areas of my existence. Life feels lighter and more expansive as if the sky is no longer the limit."

Baley F. 

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