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Relax, Release, Heal

Begin your journey into Hypnotherapy with Carmen Waterhouse.

I'm glad you're here! My name is Carmen...


Welcome to the transformative world of hypnotherapy, where the power of the mind merges with the potential for profound healing and personal growth. As a Certified Hypnotherapist, it is my greatest joy to guide clients on their journey toward positive transformation and empowerment. 

At Hypnotherapy with Carmen Waterhouse, I strive to provide a safe and comfortable space for my clients to explore and address the issues holding them back. Through hypnosis, I help each individual tap into the power of their subconscious to heal and better themselves.


My goal is to support my clients on their journey toward achieving the version of themselves they have been dreaming of. I provide a tailored approach to hypnotherapy so that each individual can get the most out of the experience. I am passionate about helping my clients help themselves. 


Through the gentle and skillful use of hypnosis, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible capacity of the human mind to release limiting beliefs, overcome challenges, and unlock hidden potentials. Together, let us embark on this extraordinary path of self-discovery and create a future filled with limitless possibilities.

What Can Hypnosis Do For You?

Stop Smoking 

Hypnotherapy has been proven to be an effective tool for smoking cessation. Through hypnosis, clients can access the unconscious part of their mind and gain control over their smoking habits. The hypnotherapist will guide the client through a series of relaxation techniques and affirmations, helping to break the link between smoking and positive emotions. Hypnotherapy can also help clients to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying causes of their smoking habit, such as stress or boredom, and to develop healthier coping strategies. With the help of this safe and natural therapeutic process, clients can put an end to their smoking habit and enjoy a healthier, smoke-free lifestyle.

Improve Focus/Attention

Hypnotherapy can help you to improve your focus and attention span. Through hypnosis, you can learn how to better concentrate on tasks and stay focused for longer. This can be beneficial for improving productivity and mental clarity. Hypnotherapy can also help to reduce distractions and anxiety, allowing you to stay focused on the task at hand. With regular hypnotherapy sessions, you can observe a steady improvement in your focus and overall well-being.

Weight Loss

Often times people struggle with body weight as a symptom of a deeper issue. Managing one’s relationship with food, understanding its’ psychological effects, as well as the emotions and habits associated with food are key skills learned in hypnotherapy. It works by helping to create new eating habits, reduce cravings, and increase motivation to exercise. Hypnotherapy can be used to help you make lifestyle changes, increase self-confidence, and become more aware of the connection between emotions and eating.

Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression through Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool used to access memories and experiences from previous lives. Through the use of hypnosis, we can unlock the mind to explore and gain insight into previous lives that may be influencing current life patterns. With the guidance of a certified hypnotherapist, regression can be used to gain understanding and healing of current life issues, as well as to gain a deeper understanding of the soul’s journey.


One's self-esteem can vastly benefit from hypnotherapy. The approach focuses on reprogramming the mind's way of thinking to improve self-talk and help raise self-esteem. Your therapist will give you a new, improved set of self-talk statements to assist the subconscious part of your mind to believe your thoughts, i.e. your self-talk statements. 

Spiritual Growth

Hypnotherapy is an incredibly powerful tool for spiritual growth. It can help you gain insight and understanding into your own inner world and spirit. Through hypnotherapy, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and nourish your spirit in a way that traditional forms of therapy cannot. It can help you break through any blocks or negative patterns that may have been preventing you from growing spiritually. With hypnotherapy, you can truly unlock your own potential for spiritual growth.

Home: Testimonials

Interested in receiving help for any of these issues? 

View the full list of services I offer to see how you could better your future. 

“Not all those who wander are lost.”

J.R.R. Tolkien

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